Linn County Democratic Central Committee Bylaws
As amended on Nov. 7, 2024
The name of this organization shall be the Linn County Democratic Central Committee (LCDCC). The purpose of this committee shall be to:
The County Central Committee shall have the authority to make rules, regulations, and resolutions, in accordance with Oregon law and the bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon.
The Democratic Central Committee of Linn County shall ensure the widest and fairest representation of its members in its organization and activities. All rules shall be adopted by procedures that assure the fair and open participation of all interested people. Discrimination in the conduct of party affairs on the basis of sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, disability, parenthood, or marital status shall be prohibited. All LCDCC meetings shall be open to the public.
Section 1) LCDCC MEMBERSHIP: The voting membership of the LCDCC shall be those precinct committee persons (PCPs) of Linn County and elected in a primary election , or appointed by the LCDCC to fill a vacancy per section 3 below in accordance with Oregon election laws.
Section 2) PCP ELIGIBILITY: People who have been registered Democrats for at least 180 days at the time they submit their PCP applications are eligible to become PCPs for the precinct in which they are registered, a Linn County precinct adjoining that precinct, or a precinct within Linn County that is in the same state Representative district as the precinct in which they are registered.
Section 3) PCP VACANCIES: In the event of a PCP vacancy declared by the County Clerk, LCDCC members may vote to fill the vacancy by first nominating a prospective PCP in one LCDCC meeting and then voting to confirm the nominee in the same or in a subsequent LCDCC meeting. The appointment shall become effective immediately. The County Clerk shall be informed of the appointment in order to certify and add that person’s name to their official list of precinct committee persons.
Section 4) PCP TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office of a PCP is from the 24th day after the primary election until the 24th day after the date of the next following primary election. Ad hoc appointments of PCPs after the commencement of the term of office shall take place as in Section 3 above and be considered partial terms, expiring on the 24th day after the date of the next primary election.
Section 1) OFFICERS: The officers of this committee shall be the chair, first vice-chair, second vice-chair, third vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and ambassador.
Section 2) ELIGIBILITY: Any person who is a legal resident of Linn County, or contiguous house districts to Linn County or the city of Albany, and a registered Democrat for 180 days prior to the election of officers shall be eligible to hold office in this committee.
Section 3) TERM OF OFFICE: The organizational meeting to elect new officers will be held not less than ten days after the general election and no later than Feb. 10 following the general election. The officers shall be elected for a term of approximately two years, the term to run from the date of the Linn County Democratic Central Committee organizational meeting following the general election until the date of the next following organizational meeting. It is the responsibility of the outgoing Executive Committee to prepare for and conduct the organizational meeting.
Section 4) NOMINATION AND ELECTION: The candidates for officers shall be nominated from the floor with the candidate's assent if present, or written consent if not present, and be elected at the organizational meeting. No person other than a properly elected and appointed Precinct Committee Person (PCP) may vote in the election of officers. Voting shall be by secret ballot and a simple majority shall be required to elect. In the event there is only one candidate for office, the election may be by voice vote.
Section 5) DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES: Delegates and alternates to the state Central Committee and the U.S. Congressional District Committees shall be elected at the organizational meeting in accordance with the State Democratic Party Bylaws.
Section 6) RECALL. The procedure for recalling officers of the LCDCC shall be as follows:
A. Declaring a vacancy:
A. Chair – The County Central Committee (LCDCC) Chair shall:
1. Welcome newcomers and help organize charitable, fundraising and community events.
E. The Treasurer shall:
Section 1) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected Central Committee (LCDCC) Officers and Chairs of standing committees.
Section 2) AUTHORITY: The Executive Committee shall be the administrative body of the Central Committee (LCDCC) officers and shall have the power to make recommendations to the Central Committee (LCDCC) and coordinate activities of the standing committees; and also:
Section 1) The standing committees of the Central Committee (LCDCC) and their duties shall be:
Section 1) MEETINGS: There shall be at least one meeting of the Central Committee (LCDCC) each calendar quarter. Meetings may be called by the chair, first vice chair, a quorum of the Executive Committee, or by a petition of ten percent (10%) of the certified Precinct Committee Persons. At least six (6) days written notice by email of each meeting shall be given each Precinct Committee Person, together with an agenda of the principal items proposed for consideration, with public notice given through the media and LCDCC website and social media.
Section 1) DELEGATES: The Central Committee (LCDCC) shall elect delegates and alternates to the Democratic State Platform Convention at least thirty (30) days before the convention. Any registered Democratic voter in Linn County who has been registered as a Democrat in Oregon since the date occurring 180 days prior to the State Platform Convention shall be eligible to be elected as a delegate. Only precinct committee persons may nominate and vote for delegates.
Section 1) AMENDMENTS: These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of members present at any meeting of the Central Committee, provided the proposed amendment(s) has been read at the previous meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment, together with the portion of the bylaws it would change, has been distributed by email or other accepted means, to each member at least six (6) days prior to the meeting.
Section 1) The rules of procedure in Robert's Rules of Order 9 (Newly Revised) shall be, where applicable, the authority on all matters not specified in these bylaws or by Oregon law. Roberts Rules of Order may be suspended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present.
The name of this organization shall be the Linn County Democratic Central Committee (LCDCC). The purpose of this committee shall be to:
- Promote the interests of the Democratic Party in Linn County.
- Elect Democratic candidates.
- Represent the Democratic Party of Linn County in the congressional districts and in the state party.
The County Central Committee shall have the authority to make rules, regulations, and resolutions, in accordance with Oregon law and the bylaws of the Democratic Party of Oregon.
The Democratic Central Committee of Linn County shall ensure the widest and fairest representation of its members in its organization and activities. All rules shall be adopted by procedures that assure the fair and open participation of all interested people. Discrimination in the conduct of party affairs on the basis of sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, disability, parenthood, or marital status shall be prohibited. All LCDCC meetings shall be open to the public.
Section 1) LCDCC MEMBERSHIP: The voting membership of the LCDCC shall be those precinct committee persons (PCPs) of Linn County and elected in a primary election , or appointed by the LCDCC to fill a vacancy per section 3 below in accordance with Oregon election laws.
Section 2) PCP ELIGIBILITY: People who have been registered Democrats for at least 180 days at the time they submit their PCP applications are eligible to become PCPs for the precinct in which they are registered, a Linn County precinct adjoining that precinct, or a precinct within Linn County that is in the same state Representative district as the precinct in which they are registered.
Section 3) PCP VACANCIES: In the event of a PCP vacancy declared by the County Clerk, LCDCC members may vote to fill the vacancy by first nominating a prospective PCP in one LCDCC meeting and then voting to confirm the nominee in the same or in a subsequent LCDCC meeting. The appointment shall become effective immediately. The County Clerk shall be informed of the appointment in order to certify and add that person’s name to their official list of precinct committee persons.
Section 4) PCP TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office of a PCP is from the 24th day after the primary election until the 24th day after the date of the next following primary election. Ad hoc appointments of PCPs after the commencement of the term of office shall take place as in Section 3 above and be considered partial terms, expiring on the 24th day after the date of the next primary election.
Section 1) OFFICERS: The officers of this committee shall be the chair, first vice-chair, second vice-chair, third vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and ambassador.
Section 2) ELIGIBILITY: Any person who is a legal resident of Linn County, or contiguous house districts to Linn County or the city of Albany, and a registered Democrat for 180 days prior to the election of officers shall be eligible to hold office in this committee.
Section 3) TERM OF OFFICE: The organizational meeting to elect new officers will be held not less than ten days after the general election and no later than Feb. 10 following the general election. The officers shall be elected for a term of approximately two years, the term to run from the date of the Linn County Democratic Central Committee organizational meeting following the general election until the date of the next following organizational meeting. It is the responsibility of the outgoing Executive Committee to prepare for and conduct the organizational meeting.
Section 4) NOMINATION AND ELECTION: The candidates for officers shall be nominated from the floor with the candidate's assent if present, or written consent if not present, and be elected at the organizational meeting. No person other than a properly elected and appointed Precinct Committee Person (PCP) may vote in the election of officers. Voting shall be by secret ballot and a simple majority shall be required to elect. In the event there is only one candidate for office, the election may be by voice vote.
Section 5) DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES: Delegates and alternates to the state Central Committee and the U.S. Congressional District Committees shall be elected at the organizational meeting in accordance with the State Democratic Party Bylaws.
Section 6) RECALL. The procedure for recalling officers of the LCDCC shall be as follows:
- Petitions for recall may be initiated by one or more of the Central Committee (PCP) members;
- The action shall be initiated by a petition specifying the misconduct or neglect of duty that is the basis of the recall, and bearing the signatures of at least twenty-five (25%) of the certified PCPs;
- The petitioners shall be empowered to call a meeting of the Central Committee;
- A copy of the petition shall be included in the notice of the meeting and the provisional agendas shall include the recall proposal and the special election of a successor to the office, as an agenda item;
- A motion to recall the officer shall be carried by a 2/3 vote of PCP membership at a regularly scheduled meeting, provided the notice is distributed by email or other accepted means at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting at which the vote is taken.
A. Declaring a vacancy:
- Upon the resignation, incapacitation, recall, or death of any LCDCC Officer, State Central Committee (SCC) Delegate/Alternate or U.S. Congressional District Committee (CD) Delegate/Alternate, the respective position shall immediately be declared vacant.
- LCDCC Officers with three (3) or more absences from either Central Committee Meetings or Executive Committee Meetings, without prior notification to either the Chair or the Secretary, may have their position declared vacant by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
- SCC or CD Delegates with two (2) or more absences from their respective regular State or District meetings, without prior notification to the Chair, may have their position declared vacant by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
- If the office of chair is declared vacant, or remains vacant after a special election has been conducted, the first vice-chair shall serve as acting chair until the next meeting of the LCDCC, at which time a special election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term of office shall be conducted.
- If the office of first vice-chair is declared vacant, the second vice-chair shall immediately succeed to the office of first vice-chair for the remainder of the term of office.
- If the office of second vice-chair is declared vacant, the third vice-chair shall immediately succeed to the office of second vice-chair for the remainder of the term of office.
- If the office of third vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, or ambassador is declared vacant, or remains vacant after a special election has been conducted, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Democrat who meets the eligibility requirements outlined in Article V, Section 2 to serve in an acting capacity until the next meeting of the LCDCC, at which time a special election to fill the vacancy shall occur.
- If an SCC or a CD Delegate position is declared vacant, or remains vacant after a special election has been conducted, the Executive Committee shall, in accordance with Democratic Party of Oregon and Congressional District Committee Bylaws, temporarily elevate a respective Alternate to serve as an acting Delegate until the next meeting of the LCDCC, at which time a special election to fill the vacancy shall occur.
- If an SCC or a CD Alternate position is declared vacant, or remains vacant after a special election has been conducted, the Executive Committee shall, in accordance with Democratic Party of Oregon and Congressional District Committee Bylaws, appoint a registered Democrat in Linn County to serve as an Acting Alternate until the next meeting of the LCDCC, at which time a special election to fill the vacancy shall occur.
A. Chair – The County Central Committee (LCDCC) Chair shall:
- Preside at all Central Committee Meetings;
- Call and chair all Executive Committee meetings;
- Prepare a draft agenda in consultation with the Executive Committee for each meeting of the Central Committee (LCDCC);
- In consultation with the Executive Committee, approve members and chairs of all standing committees;
- In consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint such special committees as is necessary;
- In the absence of the Chair, or in the event of his or her incapacity to act, the First Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the County Chair;
- If the First Vice Chair is unable to serve, the Second Vice Chair will perform the duties of the Chair;
- If the Second Vice Chair is unable to serve, the Third Vice Chair will perform the duties of the Chair.
- Send out meeting notices at least six days prior to the regular or special meetings
- Take minutes of the regular and special meetings of the Central Committee (LCDCC).
- Keep on file the minutes of the Central Committee (LCDCC) and special meetings of the Central Committee (LCDCC).
- Maintain a current and correct record of the bylaws with amendments.
- Send reports, as necessary, to the State Central Committee and perform such other duties as the Central Committee (LCDCC) directs
1. Welcome newcomers and help organize charitable, fundraising and community events.
E. The Treasurer shall:
- Receive and keep an account of all receipts and expenditures of the funds of the organization;
- The treasurer shall issue checks only upon the authorization of the Executive Committee, Central Committee (LCDCC), or the adopted budget, and with an approved co-signature;
- Submit a written financial report at each Central Committee meeting;
- File the financial reports of the County Central Committee with the Secretary of State as set forth in the Oregon election guidelines.
- Serve as a member of the standing committee on finances;
- Have the financial books ready for audit at the end of the term of office or at any time upon demand of the Executive Committee. The audit shall be conducted by three members of the Central Committee (LCDCC) appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee;
- Be bonded. Cost of the bond to be paid by the Central Committee. The amount of the bond to be set by the Executive Committee.
- Attend meetings as scheduled or report inability to attend to the Chairperson and to alternate delegate.
- Report on the meetings attended, for the County Central Committee (LCDCC).
- If a delegate has two consecutive unauthorized absences from state or district meetings, a vacancy may be declared by the Chair and a new delegate will be elected.
Section 1) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected Central Committee (LCDCC) Officers and Chairs of standing committees.
Section 2) AUTHORITY: The Executive Committee shall be the administrative body of the Central Committee (LCDCC) officers and shall have the power to make recommendations to the Central Committee (LCDCC) and coordinate activities of the standing committees; and also:
- Conduct business demanding attention when time does not permit the proper calling of the Central Committee (LCDCC), provided the actions taken are submitted to the Central Committee (LCDCC) at its next regular meeting.
- Notice shall of the Executive Committee dates and times shall be given at least four days in advance by email or phone to all Executive Committee members.
- A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1) The standing committees of the Central Committee (LCDCC) and their duties shall be:
- With the treasurer, prepare a budget for the Central Committee (LCDCC) after the general election.
- Propose and coordinate methods of fund raising with the approval of the Executive Committee and the Central Committee (LCDCC).
- The committee shall make every attempt to secure Precinct Committee Persons for all precincts, train precinct persons in organizing, update precinct information packets, recruit volunteers for Party activities, register voters, and act as Credentials Committee as appropriate.
- Notify the County Clerk, in writing, of the election of Precinct Committee Person, giving the Precinct number and name and address of the elected person(s) for the official county records.
- The Communications Committee shall prepare and disseminate the news and actions of both the State and County Democratic Committees and candidates.
- The Rules Committee shall propose rules of procedure and maintain bylaws for the Central Committee (LCDCC).
- The Campaign Committee shall investigate, encourage, and help recruit candidates for all public offices.
- Assist all Democratic candidates in their campaigns for public office.
- Review and submit all resolutions to the Central Committee (LCDCC).
- The Central Committee (LCDCC) shall consider for submission all proposals to the State Democratic Party for action.
- Coordinate and organize approved fundraising and community events and the Democrats' Linn County Fair booth.
- Recruit volunteers for the Events Committee.
Section 1) MEETINGS: There shall be at least one meeting of the Central Committee (LCDCC) each calendar quarter. Meetings may be called by the chair, first vice chair, a quorum of the Executive Committee, or by a petition of ten percent (10%) of the certified Precinct Committee Persons. At least six (6) days written notice by email of each meeting shall be given each Precinct Committee Person, together with an agenda of the principal items proposed for consideration, with public notice given through the media and LCDCC website and social media.
Section 1) DELEGATES: The Central Committee (LCDCC) shall elect delegates and alternates to the Democratic State Platform Convention at least thirty (30) days before the convention. Any registered Democratic voter in Linn County who has been registered as a Democrat in Oregon since the date occurring 180 days prior to the State Platform Convention shall be eligible to be elected as a delegate. Only precinct committee persons may nominate and vote for delegates.
Section 1) AMENDMENTS: These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of members present at any meeting of the Central Committee, provided the proposed amendment(s) has been read at the previous meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment, together with the portion of the bylaws it would change, has been distributed by email or other accepted means, to each member at least six (6) days prior to the meeting.
Section 1) The rules of procedure in Robert's Rules of Order 9 (Newly Revised) shall be, where applicable, the authority on all matters not specified in these bylaws or by Oregon law. Roberts Rules of Order may be suspended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present.